+420 576 771 365 info@kapazlin.cz

Contact Details


KAPA ZLÍN, spol. s r.o.
tř. Tomáše Bati 1685
765 02 Otrokovice
CRN: 46904107 VAT: CZ46904107


Libuše Kupková
Tel.: +420 576 771 365
Mobil: +420 735 756 385
E-mail: kapazlin@kapazlin.cz

PUR production

Ing. Martin Rehora   
Head of PUR Production
Tel:. +420 576 771 351
Mobil: + 420 604 261 027
E-mail: rehora@kapazlin.cz 
Orders: pur@kapazlin.cz

Lenka Daňková 
Customer service PUR Production
Tel :. +420 576 771 355
Mobil: + 420 734 567 173
E-mail: dankova@kapazlin.cz
Orders: pur@kapazlin.cz

Tooling production

Ing. Miroslav Kadlec
Head of toolshop
Tel .: +420 576 771 362
Mobil: +420 735 174 002
E-mail: hruby@kapazlin.cz
Orders: formy@kapazlin.cz

Office seating furniture

Zbyněk Picek
Head of office chairs production
Tel:. +420 576 771 356
Mobil: +420 605 576 433
E-mail: picek@kapazlin.cz
Orders: zidle@kapazlin.cz

Zdeněk Měřínský  
Customer service office chairs
Tel :. +420 576 771 356
Mobil: +420 733 396 089
E-mail: merinsky@kapazlin.cz
Orders: zidle@kapazlin.cz

Company management

Ing. Radka Mazalová  
 Finance director 
Tel:. +420 576 771 354
Mobil: +420 603 118 784
E-mail: mazalova@kapazlin.cz

Ing. Miroslav Kadlec
Technical director
Tel:. +420 576 771 362 
Mobil: +420 736 292 289  
E-mail: kadlec(@)kapazlin.cz

How can we help you?

We know a lot, but you will not find out unless you call. We encounter PUR products on a day-to-day basis, at every turn, at home, at work, at the doctor’s, in a fitness club, when riding a bicycle or driving a car. We are able to make the overwhelming majority thereof, and if there is something that we have not yet been manufacturing, we will be happy to take the challenge and make the product to your satisfaction.

Concept design, modelling

Analysing, prototype production

Mould production

Series production

Customer support